Hi! I’m here again to write about the walks I take now that I’m on maternity leave, trying to help my little one sleep, get myself some movement and fresh air, and relax my mind - you know, all the reasons you should get out once a day as a stay-at-home-mum (only temporarily). In today's South East London walk, South Dock Marina will be our starting point, and we'll go around the basin. It is the quickest walk I usually do, and it’s perfect when I don’t have much time.

The path is very simple, as it strolls just around South Dock Marina. I usually start from a building called Baltic Quay and enjoy looking at the boats: their names, their decor, and their outside gears (trampolines, al fresco tables and chairs, plant pots, barbecue sets…). I keep wondering what everyday life should feel like, living on a houseboat. Going through your morning routine, cooking dinner, having the kids playing, watching Netflix from the couch, I mean, a normal family life. The same, but on the water. Houseboat living seems to be very popular in London.
Once you get riverfront, you’ll notice a small tiny watchhouse, and I can’t stop thinking that would be the perfect place for a riverfront café.
I can imagine a few little coloured tables, coffee mugs and soft muffins served by the small window. The only thing is, there’s not much around, just apartments, so there won’t be much business for it. But still...

The lock is really nice - the weather was incredible today, and the tide was really high - and you can see a couple of lifeboats filled with lavender plants. You can reach Greenland Pier from there, take the Riverbus to Westminster or Greenwich, or start my South East London: Greenland Pier walk. Or just go home (always an option)!
Anyway, it feels a bit like Denmark (where I’ve never been), or the Netherlands (where I stayed just for 8 hours) - I mean, I don’t know much about the Nordic places, but this is how I imagine they are. It feels a bit like Pesaro, my hometown in Italy, too, because you can have a relaxing walk looking at the boats and their masts rippling, listening to the sound of the water.

South East London walk: South Dock Marina
How long is this walk? 30 mins - 1 way, pram speed.
What days is it good for? For days you need to walk and see some beauty, but don't have much time.
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Don’t hesitate to contact me for collaborating together, both in English and Italian.